Well what an amazing and exciting week!!
This week saw the launch of our Tickle Tots nappy to the market, launching on both our own website and with various retailers (check out our stockists page for more details). It has been a long road to get here but we are so proud to share our creation with you.
To celebrate we thought we would do some fundraising. We have been busy working with amazing individuals with a passion for humanity and making the world a better place!
For the last 3 weeks we have been collecting and sorting donations to be shipped off to refugees in Calais, Syria and Greece.
What started off as a small local project soon turned into a full time job, along with the launch and entertaining 2 very cheeky little ones, one of which decided this was the time to cut his first teeth!
We were overwhelmed with generotiy and felt truly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community. Out donations were delivered to Shrewsbury yesterday where a wonderful women was ready and waiting to deliver them to Pembrokeshire, where they would be loaded onto a container and shipper to their relevant destinations.
It is times like these that we realise what a strong force of good we can be when we all work together!